Student Spotlight: Janet Lee Scott

Janet is a current Pastry Arts Student with Escoffier Online Culinary Academy and recently the school’s baking and pastry contest winner. We hope you enjoy her inspiring story!
For years and years I have wanted to take a culinary arts class then finally made an appointment with a school to check out what they had to offer. As amazed and thrilled I was I knew this is what I wanted to do. Now, this was about 10 years ago. At the end of the physical tour I found out the cost of the course, it crushed my dreams completely knowing I will never have the chance to do something I have such a great passion for.
I ended up working with a wonderful group of people as an administrative assistant for a gourmet food business. I learned a few basic things from the Chefs they had working for them and even baked some cakes for their catering events.
My husband and I moved to Missouri from Arizona where he wanted to retire. Now having a farm with several rescue animals I know I’m in my “zone”…but something was missing. I love to bake and cook plus loved giving things away to the neighbors, mail man, hardware store and visiting friends. One neighbor said to me “Will I ever come over here when you are not baking?” I love to thrill people with the best presentation I can possibly make, continue watching the cooking shows and looking in magazines to see how they did their presentation. Never did I question why because I knew I couldn’t take my dream class. I had to continue to be the best I can on my own with what resources I have.
My husband became ill and I almost lost him three years ago, as he gradually got better we started doing the farmers market here where I sold my baked goods. 9 months ago we were leaving one of the markets, I was following him in our car with the baked goods we didn’t sell and he drove the truck hauling our tents, his electric wheel chair and large supplies. A driver was speeding going at least 100 MPH and darted into his lane hitting him head on. Being the first one on the scene I thought I lost him. He was again a very lucky man and survived. We were told that it was a miracle that he did survive and I have never been so grateful and thank God everyday. The guy that hit him didn’t make it and was a culinary student that had just graduated and was putting in applications. After this, strange things started happening. I found a building in town that is so quaint and perfect to start a bakery, the price is beyond reasonable…but still don’t have the funds to get it. I also went to a restaurant auction and ended up getting a stainless steel work table, a corner stainless sink with a drop sprayer, several Booths and tables, trays plus much more. We stored them in our basement. Now to me something was going on but I’m just going with the flow.
Playing online as I like to do I noticed an ad for an online culinary school called “Escoffier”. I thought…hummmm. Why not call, it can’t hurt. I called and talked to an amazing person named Josh. He filled my heart with so much joy and excitement knowing this is possible! I can do this! But….I didn’t want to burden my hubby with anything. My husband got on the phone and talked to Josh and signed me up…. I feel like the luckiest person in the world! I’m still studying this course and loving every minute of it. With having to care for my husband and the farm, the best part is I can do it at my own pace.
The only thing bad I can say about this Culinary class is that it will end…..
Janet Lee Scott
Current Pastry Arts Student
We thank Janet for sharing this great story with us! Check out more of our student spotlight stories to see why our students chose online training, how they are living their culinary dream and where our students have ended up after completing the online program!
If you have a story to share or would like to learn more about our program, please contact us at (877) 452-5489 or [email protected].