How To Make Ceviche
Ceviche is a Latin and South American dish commonly served around coastal areas as fresh fish is an absolute must for this dish to be perfect. By letting raw fish marinade in citrus juices, the fish’s exterior gives off a cooked appearance and the flavors are able to meld. Something to note though: the freshest fish is to be used in this dish! Once done right, ceviche can be a refreshing and tender dish full of latin flavors that will awaken the senses. Fish typically used are ocean caught white fish like tilapia, mahi mahi, corvine, marlin and even shark but other variations in countries like Costa Rica include squid, shrimp and octopus. Some versions feature everything from Tabasco sauce, habanero and mayonnaise to a plain tomato sauce or coconut milk. No matter the country of origination, ceviche remains one of our favorite ways to east fresh seafood.
We’re teaching you how to make the delicious South and Central American dish, ceviche, in this online cooking class with our culinary teacher. You’ll love this refreshing seafood dish!
Tilapia Ceviche
2 lbs. Tilapia fillets finely diced
1 cup of lime juice
Juice from 1 orange
½ cup seeded chopped tomato
½ cucumber, finely chopped
½ cup finely chopped onion
¼ cup chopped cilantro
½ cup clam tomato juice
1 tbsp. hot sauce
1 serrano chili
1 avocado
1 Lime cut into wedges
Salt & Pepper
1. Place tilapia in a medium bowl. Pour the lime juice over the fish and mix gently to combine. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 15 to 20 minutes
2. Remove from refrigerator and drain the lime juice. Add the tomato, cucumber, onion and cilantro. Seasoned with salt and pepper to taste. Add the hot sauce and tomato clam juice.