Dress Up Your Coffee

What do your reach for when you prepare your morning coffee? Probably sugar and half and half or milk, unless you power through a strong cup of black java. When you order at your local chain coffee shop, your typical options are just as limited. Whether you’re bored with your regular cup of coffee or are just looking for something new to serve alongside the desserts you made for your online pastry courses, try adding some of these ingredients to your next brew:
Many Mexican coffee shops serve their brewed coffee with a dash of cinnamon or a cinnamon stick, but cinnamon isn’t the only spice that has a place in a cup of coffee. Try adding cardamom to your grounds for some fiber, or a pinch of cayenne for a little bit of spice. If you find that coffee wreaks havoc on your digestion, add some ginger root or ginger powder for a natural digestive aid.
Why use processed, flavored cream when you can add vanilla to your coffee right from the source? Add a couple of drops of vanilla or almond extract to your coffee for some all-natural sweetness. If you have vanilla bean pods, simply put a bean in with your grounds so the flavor will be infused into your cup of coffee.
Some of the greatest cocktails are made with coffee. Whether we’re talking about the classic Irish coffee made with Irish whisky, Mexican coffee made with tequila or just a little bit of amaretto in your favorite warm brew, you can’t go wrong with a spiked drink.
You don’t have to drink peppermint coffee only when it’s available in stores around the holidays. Try adding a couple drops of peppermint oil or some mint leaves in your coffee grounds before you brew your cup. Not only is peppermint refreshing, but it’s also believed to have the ability to stimulate mental activity and ease stress.
Why pay $5 for a fattening mocha at a coffee shop when you can make your own cup of coffee with a hint of cocoa? There are many ways to go about this, depending on how chocolaty you want your drink. If you grind your own coffee beans, consider mixing a few cocoa beans in there as well. If you buy pre-ground coffee, add some cocoa powder to your grounds. If you decide at the last minute that you’d like a cocoa treat, simply drop a piece of your favorite chocolate into your hot cup of coffee and it’ll melt right away.
Maple coffee is perfect for a cold winter morning. Sweet and soothing, this breakfast brew can be achieved with either maple extract or maple syrup and can be added to your grounds before you brew or just stirred into your hot cup of coffee.