Food Advocacy Group Releases 2013 "Locavore" Index

After attending international cooking schools across the globe, most chefs understand the importance of cooking with fresh, locally grown ingredients. The farm-to-table movement is quickly gaining steam in the United States as more people are looking to growers in their home communities for the produce and meats they eat regularly.
In a movement called “locavorism,” the practice of eating locally can have huge benefits for human health. Recently, a Vermont food advocacy group called Strolling of the Heifers released data that ranks states based on their commitment to local ingredients. Followers of the movement note that eating locally is better for the environment, healthier, and more sustainable and economically positive than sourcing from globalized food systems.
“A strong local food system creates economic opportunities, preserves the working landscapes, serves the nutritional needs of a region and provides a point of connection for the community,” said Chuck Ross, the Vermont Secretary of Agriculture.
According to the 2013 Strolling of the Heifers Locavore Index, the top five states for locavorism are Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota and Iowa. The five states where the practice is least prevalent include Nevada, Arizona, Louisiana, Florida and Texas.