Food and Beverage Manager Hones Skills With Online Culinary Training

We touched base with recent graduate Christa Ruvolo of our online culinary school about her new found confidence since her program completion. As Marriott Vacation Club’s food and beverage manager, Christa maintains a kitchen staff of 20, all while producing delectable foods for resort guests to enjoy. She attributes much of her culinary sophistication to her recently obtained certificate of completion. Christa’s online culinary training allowed her to master safety and sanitation, technique and kitchen math, allowing for more time to create, explore and dream up new sauces, dressings and other culinary creations to enhance her menu. The results? Unique and savory fare that leaves Christa proud of her work and guests with satisfied palettes and full bellies. Her employer Russ Kranich, director of operations at Marriott Vacations Worldwide, has also taken notice to her further fueled passion in the kitchen.
“The passion that she has…that’s contagious and that rubs off on everybody she’s around, including myself,” Russ, her employer, said. “We’re very thrilled she has taken the program and gave it 100% effort…and she has proven to us that it was definitely worthwhile.”