Hard Cider is Now a Perennial Beverage

Autumn is traditionally a time filled with pumpkin carving, trick or treating, and, of course, freshly harvested apples. Apples are a great ingredient to use in baking, especially in fall, and an online pastry program can teach you great ways to utilize this fruit for pies, fritters and turnovers. Apple cider is another important aspect of the season, but lately hard cider has become a drink to be enjoyed year round.
Why is cider catching on?
Perhaps the first reason hard cider has seen such a rise in popularity is due to the fact that it is gluten-free, giving people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance an alcoholic beverage option not available with most beers. Most hard alcohol also contains gluten, making hard cider a safe alternative. Many restaurants are trying to cater to people with celiac, providing specific gluten-free menus and drink options. Some establishments, such as Capitol Cider in Seattle, have created environments entirely free of gluten.
Secondly, as macro-breweries take notice of trends happening within the micro-brewing industry, they tend to mimic and adopt those trends. The large breweries in the United States have the capital and distribution to quickly create and market similar products, so it’s no surprise to see Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors producing their own ciders.
Cider also has a crossover appeal, as it is classified as neither beer nor wine. The growing interest in foodie culture also potentially encourages this rise in cider. The general increase in interest in the organic and local food movements trickles over to cider as well, especially since cider is essentially made entirely of regional fruit.
The notable increase in cider consumption has caused some of the most popular brands, such as Woodchuck Cider, to expand and open new locations.