How To Make English Trifle

There are many reasons why the English trifle is making a come back in the pastry world. It’s so easy to play around with flavors and ingredients to create your perfect masterpiece whether it be chocolate and peanut butter, strawberry banana, or something more creative like bourbon pecan or pistachio strawberry. Our mind is already going crazy with all of the delicious possibilities! Oh, did we mention how gorgeous they are on top of superbly scrumptious? Can’t leave out that bit of information too! This one features tons of fresh fruit, chocolate sponge cake, homemade whipped cream and amaretto, all piled into a trifle dish in gorgeous colorful layers. When we say this thing is good, we really mean it’s positively addictive and seriously dangerous to your bikini body.
This summery English trifle is loaded with fresh raspberries, strawberries, bananas and oranges for a decadent dessert you’ll want to know how to make. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Just watch this instructional video from our online culinary school pastry chef and see for yourself!
English Trifle
1 10” chocolate sponge cake cut in cubes
2 ½ cups heavy whipping cream
¼ cup sugar
Pastry cream
2 pints fresh strawberries
2 pint fresh raspberries
4 kiwis
2 bananas
10 ounces mandarin oranges
4 ounces Amaretto
1. Whip the heavy cream with the sugar. Fold half of the whipped heavy cream into the cooled pastry cream. In a large mixing bowl, drizzle amaretto over sponge cake cubes and let sit until all absorbed.
2. In a trifle bowl, alternate layers of cake soaked with amaretto, fruit and pastry cream. Be sure to line the side of the bowl with the fruit in a way that it can be seen. Decorate the top with the remaining whipped cream and fruit. Serve chilled.