How to Make Sausage

Although it may be too much for some people, grinding your own meat can be an incredibly rewarding thing to do for your pocketbook and your culinary escapades. Save the butcher the step and grind your own hamburger meat, guaranteeing you get the absolute best quality. Another fun, adventurous and rewarding experience is making your own sausage. With the explosion of gourmet links in the culinary world, there’s a great deal of interesting and delicious recipes to try your hand at the craft. Buffalo, gator, bacon, quail and boar are just a few we’ve seen recently. For now, we’re sticking with one of the most traditional sausage options, the good old fashioned spicy Italian sausage. Filled with all sorts of great herbs like basil, paprika and oregano, ground pork and some crushed red pepper for that perfect kick, just because it’s old-fashioned doesn’t mean it’s out of date.
In this webinar, Chef Thomas shows you how to grind meat and make your own sausage in this 2-for-1 live online cooking class. See what spices he uses, the best techniques and you could be doing this for your next barbecue.
4.5 lbs Pork Butt
8 oz Fat Back
1½ oz Kosher Salt
2 tbsp Sugar
2 tbsp Fennel Seeds (Toasted)
1 tbsp Coriander Seeds (Toasted)
3 tbsp Paprika
½ tsp Cayenne Pepper
4 tbsp Fresh Oregano
4 tbsp Fresh Basil
2 tbsp Hot Red Pepper Flakes
2 tsp Black Pepper
6 oz Ice Cole Water
2 oz Red Wine Vinegar
1. Grind all ingredients through a small die.
2. Bind.
3. Stuff, chub and it’s ready to grill.