Rising Chef To Watch: Flynn McGarry

There is a young chef emerging on the scene named Flynn McGarry and after only three years of practicing his art, he is selling out tickets for his monthly upscale 10-course meals. He has studied in apprenticeships for some of the biggest chefs around the country and is hoping to one day own his own restaurant. He is on a roll of unstoppable momentum – as long as he can get a ride to work from his mom.
At only 14-years-old, McGarry is already well on his way to becoming a distinguished chef. Accomplishing in a few short years what many culinary aficionados spend decades mastering, McGarry is definitely someone to keep on your culinary radar in the coming years. The combination of the prodigy’s youth, remarkable skills and high-reaching goals have launched this teenager into notoriety in the foodie world. Don’t give up on your online cooking courses just yet, though. McGarry may be young but he also had the benefit of his parents converting his bedroom into his own private test kitchen. They are also home schooling him so that he can more fully explore his passions, while the rest of us often take the more traditional route of international culinary schools.
McGarry is a great example for other aspiring chefs, as he has harnessed the power of using the internet to show off his craft. Through social media and hosting his own pop-up restaurant in his home, McGarry has gained national acclaim and attention. Once you’ve mastered your skills, building a reputation is half the game – and both of McGarry’s strategies are highly doable for any student looking to make a name for him or herself.