Understanding Sanitation

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Although all the great times in the kitchen might be actually cooking and baking things, knowing how to clean up after yourself is just as important. This is especially true with baking. We know how it goes. Baking adventures can look like a kitchen war zone when you’re done and since much of it is very time sensitive, it doesn’t leave much clean up time in between. Flour, eggs, baking soda, cocoa powder—most likely you have one serious mess on your hands before you know it. Plus, if proper cleaning isn’t performed after your cooking endeavors, you could be dealing with all sorts of other nasty stuff floating around and just waiting to ruin or recipe.

We know it’s not fun but it has to be done. In this online cooking class with Chef Susie, she teaches you what to do and what not to do when it comes to proper kitchen cleaning and sanitizing.

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