Uses For Marzipan
Marzipan, as we learned last week, is incredibly easy to make. With very basic ingredients, it can quickly become a constant treat you make for others…or just yourself! But as well as being amazing on its own, marzipan can also be used in many, many, many different ways for all sorts of pastry projects. Its thick and, dare I say, playdoh like consistency makes it a great substance for all your molding projects. You can seriously make just about anything out of this stuff. Animals, fruit, the Taj Mahal, let your artistic mind run wild with fun and edible ways to spruce up your pastry presentation. But the creativity and versatility doesn’t stop there. It makes for an amazing fondant substitute for flawless cake icing. Like seriously, you need to try it. And it also just makes for a generally delicious cake filler for something fun and unique for pastries all year long. We would also like to throw filler for all pastries, especially breakfast pastries, in as an honorable mention. You seriously can’t go wrong with this stuff.
In this online baking class, our pastry expert shows you all the amazing ways you can incorporate marzipan in to your sweet creations. Watch as she shows you some great ways to turn this age-old candy into your next food obsession.