Wine Pairing With Seared Fish

In this video, Escoffier Online’s Chef Mark Dowling and Ruth Chris Steak House‘s Michael Walton create a segment on wine pairing with seared fish and also covers the importance of pre-shift meetings. This is the time for the chef to go over specials and how dishes are prepared with the front of the house specialists by allowing the servers to taste each dish. The stand up meeting is suppose to be done everyday. During a pre-shift meeting it is important for the server to pay attention to every little detail so they can help the customer choose the very best dish for them. By knowing how the dishes are prepared this will influence how it is paired with wines.
The better the server understands all components of the dish and wine, the better it will sell and the less complaints and more praise the dish and wine will receive.
Watch our previous video in this series. Thank you Mark and Michael! We look forward to sharing our next hospitality video series on wine pairing in our blog post next Wednesday, September 18th.